Check out our gallery of pole barns, pole garages, other pole buildings and custom sheds. When you contact us for a free estimate on your custom pole barn, pole garage or other pole building you'll likely hear our mantra "if you can dream it, we can build it." Pole buildings - whether for agricultural use, home use or for business, are preferred by many for faster build times and more space.
Our gallery is posted in order to show examples of pole barns, pole garages and other pole buildings that our Amish crews have built over the years. As a locally owned business, founded by the Amish, and built with all Amish crews you can be assured that your pole barn, pole garage, pole building or custom shed will be constructed using the best quality craftsmanship the Amish are famous for. Generations of experience and perfecting building techniques go into each of our builds and show up in your quality pole building constructed by Yoder Barns.
Many of the pole buildings we design and build for our customers are a combination of barn / garage / storage / agricultural / office space / living space. The beauty of building pole buildings is that they are extremely versatile. Although we may classify a building as a pole garage, it could be a massive garage used for storing agricultural vehicles, animals and include additional workspace - office space, workshop, etc. And at the other end of the spectrum Yoder Barns also builds small pole garages for residential homes to fit your standard-sized vehicles and garage storage. Contact us for a free quote on your pole garage built by Yoder Barns.
Pole Barn Gallery: Agricultural Use
Pole barns are favored in the agricultural community for their versatility and cost effectiveness on the farm. With the ability to securely store agricultural equipment, machinery, hay and livestock a pole barn made built by Yoder Barns is a wise investment on your farm.
Pole built garages go up faster, cost less and have more versatility than standard stick-built construction. Very popular for large vehicles, equipment, boats and also add-ons to a single-family residence.
Multi-Use Pole Built Buildings
These pole building are multi-use and light commercial buildings. Pole buildings have limitless uses. Contact us to start designing your pole building, for whatever use.
Amish-Built Storage Shed Gallery